The basis of rational life, rational decisions, correct behaviors can be expressed as correct observation, developing hypotheses, making tests and judgments. Therefore, statistics are the key to a right, proper and restrained life.
The main purpose of the statistical course in social sciences is to develop statistical thinking skills that can be expressed as the sum of competences such as questioning, creating hypotheses, testing hypotheses, correlating results, justifying and proving.
For this reason, it will be aimed to gain the knowledge and experience in social sciences to conduct research, create hypotheses, collect data, analyze data, create summary tables about the results and perform all these operations easily through computer software.
In the second step, descriptive statistics and operations will be introduced and summary information and reports will be prepared through SPSS.
Another objective is to apply basic and medium level estimation statistics methods and these methods through SPSS program and to process the outputs in electronic environment,
Finally, it is aimed to provide the basic validity of a measurement tool and calculate it with SPSS software.
Assessment will be based on 1 midterm and final exam. Midterm (40%), final exam is 60%. These exams will be comprehensive exams and practical exams.
The relevant student regulations on attendance or absence are essential. One of the most important criteria of achievement assessment is attendance.
Yaşar BAYKUL,(1996), İstatistik: Metodlar ve Uygulamalar, Lazer Ofset, ANKARA
Burhan ÇİL, (1994) , İstatistik, Tutibay, ANKARA
Saim KAPTAN, (1995), Bilimsel Araştırma ve İstatistik Teknikleri, Tekışık Ofset, ANKARA
Ergün MUSTAFA. (1995). Bilimsel Araştırmalarda Bilgisayarla İstatistik Uygulamaları. Ocak Yayınları. ANKARA
Büyüköztürk ŞENER.(2003). Sosyal Bilimler için Veri Analizi El Kitabı.Pegem Yayıncılık. ANKARA
Köklü, Nilgün & Büyüköztürk ŞENER.(2000) Sosyal Bilimlerde İstatistiğe Giriş. Pegem Yayıncılık. ANKARA
The course can be described in two stages. The first stage is the stage up to the midterm and the method of demonstration will be used outside the first two weeks. In other words, descriptive statistics and basic difference and relationship analysis will be shown through chalk board and students will be asked to calculate different samples with paper and pencil. This stage will be the basis of conceptual development. The basic logic of different statistical methods, analysis methods and variables will be recognized.
After the mid-term exam, the method of demonstration and practice will be realized in the form of cognitive apprenticeship, increasing student activity and statistical analysis will be practiced by using computers and SPSS software.
Lessons and applications will be held at the places and times indicated by syllabus.
3 hours of theoretical credit of this course are 8 ECTS credits
Ders Notları için ilgili haftaya tıklayınız.
1. Week - Introduction and Meeting
2. Week - Introduction to Statistics & Basic Concepts
3. Week - Descriptive Statistics- Data editing
4. Week - Measures of Central Tendency and Normal Distribution
5. Week - Measures of Distribution & Standard Points (Z and T)
6. Week - Introduction to Hypothesis Testing
7. Week - One sample, Independent Samples and OPaired Samples T tests
8. Week - Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
10.Week - Cross Tabulation and Chi-Square
11. Week - Correlation Analysis
12. Week - Introduction to SPSS and Menus
13. Week - T tests and ANOVA with SPSS
14. Week - Chi-Square and Correlation with SPSS
15. Week - Partial Correlation and ANCOVA with SPSS
16. Week - Non Parametrik Tests
Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü 41380 İzmit/Kocaeli/Türkiye