The road, The traveler and The comrade Trinity
The life resembles the road between a departure and a destination. We are the passengers as the subject of the travel. Those we always feel the support and love or those without which we can not achieve our dreams are the comrades.
If you consider the time you have to live is a canvas or a notebook, then living is like drawing pictures with our experiences on that canvas or writing stories or novels in that notebook. Thus, living can be considered to be an art. of drawing or writing. Some of us live and draw their pictures or writes stories untidy, unplanned and random whereas some others draws as professional painters with fineness and sensitiveness. whichever it is, we all play the role of and the heroes of our own lives. In other words, we are the artists of our stories. we sometimes live very creative and sometimes very ordinary.
All one of us is like an antiquarian or antique dealer or collector. The energy of our souls paints our dreams and we collect moments and stories while running after our dreams. And sometimes share with those who pay for it either with their interest or love.
We, on the road of life travel, are creating our stories on our ways with our comrades. And the stories I dreamed, lived and shared on my roads with my comrade is special to me. Those who never give up the excitement of living, the taste of every moment full of adventure, love, wonder and enthusiasm may like my stories more
The road represents our struggles, joys, fears, victories and fails in other words all our life experiences. The road for a traveler means new places, people, experiences, feelings when riding from one place to another. The road means overcoming the obstacles, crossing the mountains, valleys, lakes in an unknown geographies. The road represents all epic experiences of the travel.
The road is kilometre, stations, cities, people, museums, art centers, bars, sunrise, the darkness of the night. The road represents all the experiences and feelings about the travel.
The road means the sun, the rain, hot and cold, asphalt, soil, mud and sand. The road has joy, sadness, fear, courage, happiness, ambitions, depression, despair and such feelings in it.
Ufka Dair
Kaldırımla asfaltın birleştiği çizgide
Elleriyle yüreğinin içinde gizlediği korkuları
Soluk soluğa koşarken gördüm ilk
Her hücresinde rengarenk duyguları
Dünyayı sürüklerken peşinde
Gözleri hep ufkun ötesine bakardı.
Sanki son durağı olmayan bir seyahatin
çaresizliğine gizlenmiş
derin bir hüzün gözlerinde, koşardı.
O şehrin delisiydi
Zararsızdı, her lambada dursa da
Tek kusuru ters istikamette gitmesiydi
Yüreğinin peronunda biletsiz
Planlı çıkılmayan, sonu bilinmeyen
delicesine bir yolculuğu sevmişti.
O şehrin delisiydi
Sıradan kalabalıktan biri olmaktansa
Belli ki deliliği seçmişti.
İsmet Şahin
Traveler is the subject of the road and the travel. Alone and in group. He or she is the one who breathes, smells, tastes and touches the road. Traveling on a motorbike is also an inner travel of the rider. The friction, the holding and the passing the miles on the road by the two tires can be taken as a metaphor of one’s inner discussion of ideas, holding the life itself and overcoming the obstacles.
The travel is a synthesis of tens of feelings that is very difficult to describe for the traveler. Some experiences can not be explained by words. What happens on the road can be explained but what fells may sometimes be impossible to explain. That synthesis of feelings is what makes traveller always dream to be on the road again.
It is the dream of discovering different cultures, traveling in unfamiliar lanscapes and meeting new people that attracts the travelers. It is the taste of learning, being on the road and excitement the traveler can’t give up.
The comrade is the object of our dreams. The comrade carries our souls. The comrade represents safety, power, friendship. For a traveler the bike is more than a vehicle. It takes us to our dreams and makes us reach the farthest, It carries that we can not. The road, the traveler and the comrade unite. The comrade is like a horse of a cavalryman, like a sword of a warrior or a medicine of a rare illness, The comrade looks good on the road and the traveler looks good on both of them. The road, the traveler and the comrade are the heroes of all stories for a nomad soul.
Riding the motorcycle is like running of a tiger in a pasture in full power, like a dolphin swimming in the ocean racing each other or like an hawk diving down to earth to catch the prey with the torque and the freedom that is provided by the two tires and many horse powers. The symphony of the engine, rhythmic hits of the pistons, blowing of the exhaust, rubbing of the tires on the asphalt creates an extraordinary feeling for the traveler. In order to understand what I mean, dream yourself 9500km far a way from home in a foreign landscape and culture and on a road you are not familiar with listening a melody you love and the sound of the travel.
Play the video and the song down at the sama time and just think you’re riding the motorcycle.
BRMC - Devil’s waiting
I joined an interview on Çanakkale Ton Tv’, in Motorcycle Evolution program that is directed by Tanser Katkar. The interview was broadcasted into two parts.
Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü 41380 İzmit/Kocaeli/Türkiye