The aim of this course is to provide conceptual development in students about “learning“ and “teaching"
Narration is not synonymous with teaching and remembering something may not be an indicator of learning that thing.
Therefore, in this course, basic concepts related to teaching, learning and teaching principles, importance and benefits of planned work in teaching, planning of instruction, activity-centered, inquiry-based, problem-solving and project-based instruction will be exemplified.
The aim of this course is to make learns realize the essence of “learning” and “teaching"
When “learning” is mentioned, it will be realized that it involves rich and various experiences.
And "teaching" requires the processes of organizing, realizing and evaluating the correct and effective experiences that will provide learning.
In doing so, multiple intelligence theory and contemporary teaching paradigms will embrace the diverse and effective experience principle that embraces individual differences.
Teaching principles and methods will be mostly student-centered, activity-oriented and problem-centered.
Teaching principles and methods will be held at the place and time determined in the program.
Teaching Principles and Methods is a 3 credit and 5 ECTS course.
In the evaluation, an interim evaluation activity based on the performance and practice as 50% and the final evaluation activity 50% will be calculated. In this course, attendance is the main criterion of success rather than midterm or final evaluation.
Attendance is the main criterion. Regulations apply.
Özcan Demirel, Öğretim Sanatı, Pegem Yayıncılık.
Week 1 - Meeting and Introduction of the Syllabus
Week 2 - Learning and Teaching Concepts
Discussions on students' small teaching activities to clarify the concepts of teaching and learning
Week 3. Comparative presentation of Contemporary and Traditional Education
Week 4 - Instructional planning and teaching principles
Providing conceptual development planning teaching activities, using proper methods, considering principles through videos of daily life
Week 5 - Theory of Intelligence - IQ and Multiple Intelligence
The definition and theories of intelligence, IQ assumptions and weaknesses, Multiple Intelligence and Its Application
Week 6 - Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence- definition, characteristics, importance and power to predict success
Week 7 - Thinking Skills
Relationships between analytical, creative, critical, reflective, divergent, convergent thinking skills and life success
Week 8 - Dead Poets Society Movie,
Contemporary and Traditional Pradigms of teaching
Week 10 - Basic Curriculum Knowledge and Learning Outcomes.
Comprehensive Study of Related Curriculum
Week 11 - Planning of Teaching Activities (Group-Entry Activities)
Teaching Activities according to learning outcomes -5E-Enter, Engage
Week 12 - Planning of Teaching Activities (Group-Learning Activities)
Planning of teaching activities according tolearning outcomes -5E- Explore, Explain and Expand
Week 13 - Planning of Teaching Activities (Individual - All)
Planning Teaching Activities-5E- all
Week 14- Activity-Centered Teaching and Active Teaching Methods
6 Thinking Hats, Brainstorming, Working Stations, etc. short examples.
Week 15 - Active Teaching Techniques and Finishing
Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü 41380 İzmit/Kocaeli/Türkiye